White-eared Opossum
(Didelphis albiventris) #65-69

Picture of the animal

Distribution map

Whole brain image

Whole brain photographs
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• Rotating brain cast

Sagittal section through middle of brain
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• Picture Atlas

Physical characteristics and distribution

D. albiventris is a small mammal with black fur covering the majority of the body. The face is covered with black and white guard hairs, predominately white. The rostrum is long with whiskers present. These animals have a long, tapering tail that has a leathery appearance. Sexual size dimorphism is present in D. albiventris, with males being larger than females. Males of this species average approximatley 800 g in mass with a body length 278 mm and a tail 315 mm long. The average body mass of a female is 540 g with measurements of 249 mm and 304 mm for body length and tail length, respectively.

D. albiventris is found primarily in open and deciduous forests and mountainous areas, preferring drier habitats. D. albiventris is largely nocturnal and spends most of the day hiding in rocky crevices or hollow tree trunks. The nests D. albiventris are roughly constructed of dry leaves and grasses, which they transport using their mouths or curled up tails. They are primarily terrestrial, but are good climbers as well as strong swimmers.

Reproduction occurs from September through May. Offspring in this genus are born very small and undeveloped. The offspring develop in the pouch of females for approximately 46 days.

D. albiventris is an omnivorous species, although invertebrates have been found in their diet. The invertebrates consisted mainly of insects. Fruits, seeds, and vertebrates were also found to be a part of the diet of these animals.

D. albiventris is found in Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, and the northern half of Argentina.

Description of the brain

The brain weight is 5.101 g (includes R.Trg.). The brain meaurements are: Length AP left 19.5 mm; Length AP right 19.3 mm; Bitemporal width 19.8 mm; Temporal height left 9.3 mm; Temporal height right 11.5 mm.

Animal source and preparation
All specimens collected followed the same preparation and histological procedure.

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