Cats are descended primarily from the wild cat of Africa and
extreme southwestern Asia. They may have been present in
towns in Palestine as long ago as 7,000 years ago, and actual
domestication occurred in Egypt about 4,000 years ago. Introduction
in Europe began around 2,000 years ago, and interbreeding occurred
there with the wild subspecies Felis silvestris silvestris.
house cat is basically solitary, but individuals in a given
area seem to have a social organization and hierarchy. A male
newly introduced to an area normally must undergo a series of
fights before its position is stabilized in relation to other
males. Both males and females sometimes gather within a few
meters of each other without evident hostility. A male and female
may form a bond that extends beyond the mating process.
Cats typically weigh between 2.5 and 7 kg (5.516 lb). Females
are polyestrous and normally produce two litters annually. They
may mate with more than one male per season. The gestation period
averages 65 days. Litter size ranges from one to eight, with
an average of four. Kittens weight 85-110 gms, open their eyes
after l9-20 days, are weaned at 8 weeks, and attain independence
at about 6 months. Sexual maturity in females is from 7-12 months.
is cosmopolitan. Specifically reported in: Albania, Belgium,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Crete, Croatia, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Scotland,
Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey.