Raccoon Procyon cancrivorus
Head and body length of P. cancrivorus is 415-600 mm,
tail length is 200-415mm. Height at the shoulder is about 228
mm, and weights range from 2-12 kg. Males are usually larger
than the females. Coloration is grayish to nearly black above
with a reddish or brownish tinge. The face has a black 'bandit'
mask and the tail is ringed with 4-5 black bands. Females have
four mammae.
P. cancrivorus is found in brushy areas or woodlands,
usually near water. Activity is primarily nocturnal, climbing
and swimming well. Crab-eating
raccoons use hollows in trees, rock crevices,
old stumps, crawl spaces in buildings or dens abandoned by other
animals, for their shelters. The breeding season of P. cancrivorus
is July - September and gestation ranges from 60-73 days. As
many as 7 young may be born, but the average litter size is
three or four. Birth weight is around 71 grams and the babies
open their eyes at about 3 weeks.
The diet of P. cancrivorus includes crayfish, crabs,
other arthropods, frogs, fish, nuts, seeds, acorns, and berries.
The hands and feet of the raccoon have a highly developed sense
of touch and are extremely dexterous. Often, P. cancrivorus
will pick up the food with its hands and place it in the mouth.
Raccoons have often been observed dipping
their food into water before eating.
P. cancrivorus is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia,
Costa Rica, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Surinam, Trinidad and Tabago
and Venezuela.