Photography of Animals and Brains

Photographs of the live animals were taken whenever possible. In some cases, the animals were photographed in natural settings (such as were the Northern Fur seals in the Pribilof Islands. When animals were only seen as they ar rived in cages, they were photographed live in a special cage with a transparent plastic front. Other specimens were photographed in the Zoo from which they were being obtained. Others were photographed in animal enclosures of one kind or another. Thus, the Kangaroo which was imported live was photographed leaping and standing around in a large stall in one of the University's farm buildings. Other specimens were photographed alive but anesthetized lying on the floor in the laboratory before being measured and perfused.

Photographs of each animal's whole brain were taken from several standard views (dorsal, ventral, left lateral, right lateral, left and right dorsolateral (45 degrees from the vertical), frontal and caudal. If the brain was cut into two or more blocks, (forebrain, hindbrain, left hemisphere, right hemisphere), each block was photographed from several different views. The spinal cord was photographed in its entirety (dorsal and ventral) as well as after separation into smaller blocks (of one to three spinal segments each). Dorsal root ganglia and trigeminal ganglia and olfactory bulbs were occasionally photographed separately if they were saved.


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