August 18, 1931 - September 9, 2017

Celebrating the life and works of Dr. John “Jack” Irwin Johnson

1952: A.B., Philosophy; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN.
1955: M.S., Psychology; Purdue University, Lafayette, IN.
1957: Ph.D., Psychology; Purdue University, Lafayette, IN.

Research and Professional Experience:

1957-1958: Instructor, Department of Psychology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.
1958-1960: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI.
1960-1963: USPHS Special Research Fellow, Laboratory of Neurophysiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (Sponsors C.N.Woolsey & W.I. Welker).
1963-1964: Project Associate, Regional Primate Research Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (Project Director: H.F. Harlow).
1964-1965:, Fulbright-Hayes Research Scholar, Brain Research Unit, Department of Physiology, University of Sydney, Australia (Sponsor: P.O. Bishop).
1965-1969: Associate Professor, Biophysics, Psychology and Zoology Departments and Neuroscience Program, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
1969-1981: Professor, Biophysics, Psychology and Zoology Departments and Neuroscience Program, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
1973-1978: Chairman, Biophysics Department, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
1981-present: Professor, Anatomy Department and Neuroscience Program, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.

Grant Support:

1960-1963: Special Postdoctoral Fellowship, NIH
1964-1965: Fulbright Hayes Scholarship
1965-1972: Career Development Award, NIH
1966-1978: Principal Investigator, Research Grant, NINDB: "Development of Afferent Neural Centers" (NS-5982, 12 yrs.)
1969-1975: Principal Investigator, Research Grant, NSF: "Determining factors in Brain Evolution" (three successive grants, GB 13854 1969-1971, GB 30783, 1971-1973, NB 43236, 1973-1975).
19781980: Principal Investigator, Research Grant, NSF: "Regional specializations in cerebral neocortex" (NB78-00879)
1980-1984: Principal Investigator, Research Grant, NSF: "Anatomical and electrophysiological organization of dorsal column nuclei" (NB 79-03421)
1985-1990 Principal Investigator, Research Grant, NSF: "Mammalian Phylogeny through Brain Traits and DNA Similarities" Co-investigators: J. A. W. Kirsch, R. L. Reep, W. Welker, R. C. Switzer (BSR 85-03687)
1991-1994 Principal Investigator,Research Grant, NSF: "Imaging the diversity of mammalian brains: an electronic catalog for wide accessibility" (NSF, IBN 9111592)
1995-1997: Co-Investigator (With Wally Welker, UW; and Adrianne Noe, NMHM), NSF Grant "Collaborative research: "Accessing brain collection information vis Internet, CD-ROM, and centralized location"(NSF, IBN-9500706).
1995-1996: Coinvestigator (With Wally Welker, UW, and R.C. Switzer) NIMH,PHS GRANT NO1 R43 MH54366-01;#95-SB-2; SBIR, Phase I; "Brain Library"(Primate Brains).

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